Money Does Grow On Trees!

Money Does Grow On Trees…


We’re sure everyone heard that ‘Money Doesn’t Grow On Trees’, and while there have been many advancements in genetically engineered agriculture, truth is nobody has created an actual ‘Money Tree’ that grows coins and bills, so technically this saying is true.

Obviously the saying shouldn’t be taken literally.  It is an idiom that is used to mean it’s not as plentiful or is not as renewable as resources that grow on trees like an apple or an orange, and that is where we say PHOOEY.

Money is a resource just like any other resource which can be just as plentiful or rare as people want to make it, and that goes for kids as well.
Truth is money, unlike gold, or diamonds that have a finite supply or is being created only through nature, is something that is being created every single day by us. Governments around the world are creating more and more money each and every day, and all that money is eventually finding its way into somebody’s pocket, and that somebody should be you.  That means there are lots of money trees out there.  Those that have more money are simply better at nurturing and harvesting it.

The ultimate goal in becoming financially independent is to find strategies that will allow you to accumulate more money than you are spending, then use the extra money to plant your own ‘Money Tree’ so that it will eventually provide you with all the financial nourishment you need to live the life you want.
And just because you are a kid, or didn’t go to college, or don’t know anything about business, those are not valid excuses.

There are thousands of resources out there, just like this blog (although this blog is by far the best), that will give you all the gardening tools you need.

The first one is:
Stop thinking money is a scarce resource that is too hard to get.  No doubt it is harder to get it sometimes and easier to get in other times, which is all the more reason why when it’s plentiful, it should be managed well and it can become its own source, sort of like a seed that grows into a tree that will grow fruit that have more seeds that can grow more trees.

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